Sowing Theatrical Seeds

You may not know this about me (Mark), but gardening is one of my go-to stress relievers. Lately I’ve been spending too much time writing grant applications, submitting proposals, updating the website… you get the idea. Too much time in front of the computer. I enjoy the peace of working with plants. Even on this rainy day, in between acting workshop preparations and setting up meetings, I have been sneaking out to the balcony to get the garden ready.  Preparing the soil, seeds and plants for the growing season ahead.

Photo by Scott Webb on
Photo by Min An on

That’s basically how I spent my fall and winter with the theater company as well. Preparing the soil by developing plans for different theater workshops series’. Scattering seeds by submitting project proposals and funding applications. And preparing the plants by setting up meetings with other arts organizations and potential collaborators. With a little sunshine and water, we will be well on our way. 

What seedlings are starting to break through? By next month we will have three different workshops series up and running. We are finalizing plans to offer our first arts summer camp (details will be on the Learning page soon). We have also added a team member and even won an award at a startup pitch night! 

The first thing to take root was the Elevate English workshop series. These fun-filled interactive workshops use theater games and acting exercises to boost a child’s confidence in speaking English fluently. The series was launched in early March for youth (ages 8-12) and has had steady attendance ever since. They are currently running at Mushmula Dance Studio in Mladost 1 and next month they will also begin at Family Hub located in the Geo Milev district of Sofia. Both locations will offer the Elevate English series for youth and teens. Pop on over to the website for more information and the registration form. 

In mid-May our introduction to acting classes will spring forth for adults and teens. The Act Casual series has been developed for those who wish to learn about acting or want to chase away their stage fright. Registration is open now and they will be running in Mladost 1 at Mushmula. More information can be found on our website. 

The first bloom of the season arrived in the form of our new Lead Designer and company partner. Gabriela Tsonkova is a set and costume designer as well as visual and concept artist. She recently returned to Bulgaria and is excited to get to work. She will be responsible for the production elements of each performance and will coordinate with other designers as needed. Look out for her fine arts/ painting workshop series that will crop up in mid-May. Subscribe to our blog for more information about Gabriela’s career and her artistic journeys. 

And we wish to celebrate our early harvest fruits! Theater Visions participated in #Pitch2Pitch in early April along with three other startup companies. The host for the event, Networking Premium, ran a wonderful event and every company went home with a prize. Gabriela and I had one minute to pitch about the company and then a five minute question and answer session with the judges. Then, while the judges deliberated, we fielded questions from the audience. When the results were announced Theater Visions was able to celebrate after receiving the top prize of the night! 

The time that I spent preparing the business model, cultivating the soil, and nurturing connections is starting to provide a potential crop. As I look back at the seed of an idea to set up the first  English language theater in Bulgaria, I know the fields will require much work, but I can also take some encouragement as I see the seedlings begin to poke their heads out of the ground. 

Emerging from Hibernation

In Bulgaria soon we will come face to face with old Baba Marta. Childrens faces will light up when they receive their martenitsi and wishes for good health will be exchanged. People will be on the lookout for the first stork or first swallow returning or the first tree in bloom This is when the trees then receive red and white badges of honor as they herald the coming spring. 

We at Theater Visions will be launching into a series of firsts as well. As of the writing of this blog post, our first workshop series has opened for registration and, in the near future, more will follow suit. We intend for there to be more firsts as we go throughout the year and in the years to come. 

If you are a first time visitor to our website, a very warm welcome. If you have visited before, we thank you for returning and for your patience. We are slowly emerging from our long winter (few years) hibernation. To give you some context, the company was registered back in 2019, but then for a variety of reasons the company remained dormant. The birth of a second child, full-time employment and a global pandemic; these were the main factors for shuttering up “our shop” until a later date. Thus our long winters sleep.

Fortunately that later date is now! We have been hard at work on developing numerous types of workshops, training courses, performances and educational tours. However with most endeavors it would not be wise to start everything all at once. Send us an email to tell us what you are most eager to experience. Subscribe to our blog to stay updated as we launch different programs and workshops throughout the year. 

As you may be aware, our first workshop series is titled “Elevate English” and the first age group being launched in this series is for youth (ages 8-12).  This series is for students who have already been studying English, but want more practice with speaking the language. We will use acting exercises and theatre games to build each child’s confidence in speaking English more fluently. According to our plan, the students’ focus will be on having fun and following the rules of the games, as we disguise the educational aspect to be revealed later. In due time we plan to roll out this workshop series to different age groups and, as demand grows, to split the youth group into two levels.    

The next workshop series we intend to launch is our Act Casual workshop series. The first rollout being planned is for adults and we expect to post more information about these classes soon. This series is designed to create a safe and social environment where the participants learn the basics of acting and then rehearse and present scenes. So if you have always wanted to give acting a try or simply feel inspired to give it a try, stay tuned for more announcements. We will post information on our website and on social media so give us a follow on instagram and “X” and like the Theater Visions page on Facebook. 

For both of these workshop series we aim to slowly add courses slowly and eventually meet the expected demand for youth, teen and adult classes. So if you are interested in either the Elevate English series or the Act Casual workshop series head over to our Contact page and let us know about which classes you are interested in. This will help us to prioritize which age group and workshops we offer next. Plans are also in the works to stage performances in English, of course, and to develop extensive programming for teens, but with most good things this will take time.

Perhaps you are an English speaking performer who resides in Sofia or you know performers who are great with kids. These are great reasons to get in touch with us as well. Send us an email, send us your CV or let’s meet up and see if there is a way for us to collaborate. We know that there is a lot of talent in Sofia. Our aim is to help others further develop their talent, showcase professionals and amateurs and to create more employment opportunities for artists, especially theattre artists. Thanks for giving us the chance to wipe the sleep from our eyes. Until next time!

6 Month Milestones/ Thank You, All!

Thank you wordcloud

It has been six months since the launch of our THEATER ViSiONS website and we would like to take the time to say how grateful we are for your support. This goes for each and every one of you who have browsed our website or followed our periodic ViSiONS BLoG. Or followed us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. For everyone who has taken a class or workshop or seen a production. For all of you who have been rooting for us behind the scenes (you know who you are) and those who have influenced and shaped our theatrical perceptions and skills over the years. A big hearty THANK YOU!!! And to our new Bulgarian friends and advocates, МНОГО БЛАГОДАРЯ!!!

Since the website was launched on 9 May, 2020 we have had over 500 visitors to the website from 23 countries, and nearly 1,700 views. We are very thankful for each and everyone of you especially for your support during this quiet time for us. The “Thank yous” in the featured image reflect the languages spoken in those countries and the text size roughly relates to how many visitors. And we are just getting started! We look forward to serving our local community of Sofia, all of Bulgaria and beyond its borders in the months and years to come. Follow our ViSiONS BLoG to get periodic updates from us.

Huge THANK YOU’S also go to our Advisory Board members, Vera Frengova, Desislava Duridanova and Milena Aneva, who are truly inspiring. Your guidance,  support and suggestions have been invaluable.

And the biggest THANK YOU of all goes to my wife, who has been a listener, fellow dreamer, editor, translator and producer in the short time that Theater Visions has been an NGO (non-govermental organization). 

Company Bulletin

Theater Visions flag rotated to side

Like most companies nowadays we are reevaluating our plans and figuring out how to move forward effectively. As a theater company this has meant considering the possibility of moving much of what we do into video format and shifting it online. Also should we apply for the government funding that is meant to assist with sustaining the cultural industry that has been so greatly affected by the pandemic due to shut downs and greatly reduced capacity. Certainly there are many arts organizations, large and small, who have done one or both of these things.

After careful consideration, THEATER ViSiONS has decided, at this time, to do neither of those things. Although the possibility of recording performances and offering classes and workshops online is certainly viable, we do not at this time believe this is the best way forward for our company. Our strength lies in the rehearsal room, whether it be preparing for a performance or working with students. We thrive on that interpersonal connection and the energy that comes from collaboration. It is true that these things can be achieved to a degree through the latest technologies, but that it would also involve an investment of resources, which represents a commitment, towards making this decision work. We would rather use our company resources to go in a different, and hopefully, more sustainable direction. To this end, look for future blog posts that will reveal more information in due time (for a sneak peek). As for pursuing funding, we are in a unique and somewhat fortunate position. Because we are a new company with no full-time employees and no building, it means we do not have the administrative or overhead costs associated with these either. Since that is the case, we would rather allow companies with greater need apply for these funds. Instead we will focus our energy on upcoming projects and use our time and resources towards bringing new artistic endeavours into existence.

How to Survive the Perils of Talking in a Mask

hooded person in gloves with censored face

Being a theatre professional for well over twenty years and an educator for fifteen of those, I have learned how to take care of my voice. Do I need to be heard by the crowds at an outdoor performance? How about an auditorium full of high school students? The PA system is down at an event and you need to get everyone’s attention? Consider all three of them done. You want me to wear a mask all day and teach through it? Exhausting.

Regardless of where you stand on the mask issue, the fact remains that some of us are required to wear one while at work. From my point of view, it’s an inconvenience. Is it temporary? Yes. Does it hurt me? No. If it helps people feel safe and gives me some peace of mind when it comes to protecting my own family then I can certainly put up with it. If you are struggling to communicate in the mask or just find yourself tired from doing it all day then continue reading.

The truth is I find the situation amusing (sometimes) and rather absurd. So I had some fun when it came to titling this blog post. Some of the alternate titles I came up with were: “Can You Hear Me Now?,” “How Come Darth Vader Sounds Cool and I Sound like a Fool?,” “Say WHAT?,” “Mas(k) Communication,” and a personal favorite, “Wha’chu Talkin’ ’bout Willis?

As for the talking in a mask, admittedly, it took me a couple of weeks to get my sea legs, but during that time I did a little research for how I can make it a bit easier on myself and my hearers. As a result, I have put together some things to consider when trying to communicate in a mask. Also some basic healthy preparations you can take and, of course, practicals for how to actually try and get across what you wish to convey. These pointers are helpful whether you are speaking to an individual or large groups. These pointers are not exhaustive, but should give you some useful information as well as simple reminders in a concise format.

Embedded below is a pdf of some of my findings combined with my thoughts added in. I hope that this will be useful to you and if it is, please, feel free to share it with others. Do you have some ideas of your own? Add them to the comments below. The file is also available for download on our RESoURCeS page. Stay well and best of luck!

Image Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Photo by Gustavo Fring:

Recording in Progress

The cast is in place, recording is well under way and we are excited that next month we plan to bring you our first audio drama. For our first podcast we selected an old-time radio show from the tail end of what is known as the Golden Age of Radio and we are presenting it intact including commercials from their sponsor, Autolite. Our recording process has been one of experimentation so it will take a bit longer, but we hope the results will be worth the wait.

You may recall our blog post last month (Audio Theatre Coming Soon) announcing the results of our poll where voters selected mystery as the genre. We are recording a broadcast from an original American radio drama known as Suspense. It was a premier program as it was on the air for over 20 years and, because of the superb writing, had a knack for getting some of the top name talent of the day. The episode we are recording is fittingly know as Summer Night and back when it aired in 1948 featured Ida Lupino as its star. You are probably not aware of the name Ida Lupino, but she began her career in England onstage and later became a prominent Hollywood movie actress. She had a keen eye and used her down time to watch aspects of filmmaking which benefitted her greatly as she went on to direct features for studios as well as for her own production company. She was even the first female to direct a film noir when she helmed The Hitch-Hiker in 1953.

We have other ideas brewing so join us on this foray in what we hope will be a new avenue for our company. We greatly value your support and aim to ingrain ourselves in the artistic and cultural scene of Sofia. The best way to do that is to know what you would like to see or hear in the future. Contact us to let us know what you think and help steer our programming. In this new world some things may take longer to come to fruition, but we greatly value your input.

Over the next few months look for some guest blogs from people involved with the company. We are also investigating other performance opportunities and hope to relaunch our some of our educational programming. If you would like to get involved there are numerous ways to do so. You can tell your friends, share about us on social media, or check our website for more possibilities.

Audio Project Brief

Macbook Pro espresso notebook iphone

Socially-distant theater. It, honestly, is sort of an oxymoron for me. Theater is vital and visceral. Socially distant, well, it’s neither of those things. We put our annual family summer show on hiatus so… now how can we do an interesting theater project and be socially responsible? I love old-time radio dramas so the idea occurred to me to produce some for the theater company. I have some experience with sound effects creation, sound editing and voice over work so this seemed like a great fit. Then, at the last Advisory Board meeting, the board members suggested to marry that idea with some educational content. Bam! A new an improved reason for doing a radio show!

What will the process look like? We will attempt to record the podcast online. In order to accomplish this the script is broken up into small segments to keep the time commitment small for the voice actors. Many of the sound effects and music will be added after all of the voice recording is done. Since it is our first effort we do not have funding and will be working off of the company reserves. If the project is successful we will then look for funding for future radio drama podcasts.

Educational content related to the script will be added to the website once the podcast is uploaded. We hope this will be a fun way to listen to some classic old-time radio dramas and digest some quality educational content which we will create to accompany the radio play.

If you are fan of old-time radio, never listened before or perhaps just want to brush up on some English language phrases, then check back towards the end of August as we hope to have the podcast and support material ready for you at that time.

Audio Theater Coming Soon!

Recently THEATER ViSiONS held a poll to select the genre of our first audio theater presentation. The choices were science fiction, detective, mystery/ suspense and western. The results were a resounding “yes” for mystery/ suspense with over 60% of the vote.

We have already begun reading scripts, checking copyright status, testing our recording equipment, refreshing our sound effects library and preparing our foley studio (also known as Mark‘s kitchen). Soon we will be recruiting voice actors for the podcast, however, please be aware that these are unpaid positions as this project has no funding at this time. If you are interested, check out our WoRK WiTH Us page for more details as they become available.

In keeping with our mission, we will be creating some English language downloads and resources to go along with the podcast to assist any English Language Leaners who would like to build their understanding and context competence. The podcast and support materials will be made available from our website as they are made ready for release. We hope you will join us as we begin our new venture into podcasting!