In Bulgaria soon we will come face to face with old Baba Marta. Childrens faces will light up when they receive their martenitsi and wishes for good health will be exchanged. People will be on the lookout for the first stork or first swallow returning or the first tree in bloom This is when the trees then receive red and white badges of honor as they herald the coming spring. 

We at Theater Visions will be launching into a series of firsts as well. As of the writing of this blog post, our first workshop series has opened for registration and, in the near future, more will follow suit. We intend for there to be more firsts as we go throughout the year and in the years to come. 

If you are a first time visitor to our website, a very warm welcome. If you have visited before, we thank you for returning and for your patience. We are slowly emerging from our long winter (few years) hibernation. To give you some context, the company was registered back in 2019, but then for a variety of reasons the company remained dormant. The birth of a second child, full-time employment and a global pandemic; these were the main factors for shuttering up “our shop” until a later date. Thus our long winters sleep.

Fortunately that later date is now! We have been hard at work on developing numerous types of workshops, training courses, performances and educational tours. However with most endeavors it would not be wise to start everything all at once. Send us an email to tell us what you are most eager to experience. Subscribe to our blog to stay updated as we launch different programs and workshops throughout the year. 

As you may be aware, our first workshop series is titled “Elevate English” and the first age group being launched in this series is for youth (ages 8-12).  This series is for students who have already been studying English, but want more practice with speaking the language. We will use acting exercises and theatre games to build each child’s confidence in speaking English more fluently. According to our plan, the students’ focus will be on having fun and following the rules of the games, as we disguise the educational aspect to be revealed later. In due time we plan to roll out this workshop series to different age groups and, as demand grows, to split the youth group into two levels.    

The next workshop series we intend to launch is our Act Casual workshop series. The first rollout being planned is for adults and we expect to post more information about these classes soon. This series is designed to create a safe and social environment where the participants learn the basics of acting and then rehearse and present scenes. So if you have always wanted to give acting a try or simply feel inspired to give it a try, stay tuned for more announcements. We will post information on our website and on social media so give us a follow on instagram and “X” and like the Theater Visions page on Facebook. 

For both of these workshop series we aim to slowly add courses slowly and eventually meet the expected demand for youth, teen and adult classes. So if you are interested in either the Elevate English series or the Act Casual workshop series head over to our Contact page and let us know about which classes you are interested in. This will help us to prioritize which age group and workshops we offer next. Plans are also in the works to stage performances in English, of course, and to develop extensive programming for teens, but with most good things this will take time.

Perhaps you are an English speaking performer who resides in Sofia or you know performers who are great with kids. These are great reasons to get in touch with us as well. Send us an email, send us your CV or let’s meet up and see if there is a way for us to collaborate. We know that there is a lot of talent in Sofia. Our aim is to help others further develop their talent, showcase professionals and amateurs and to create more employment opportunities for artists, especially theattre artists. Thanks for giving us the chance to wipe the sleep from our eyes. Until next time!

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        On Thu, Apr 25, 2024, 11:56 AM THEATER ViSiONS – Sofia’s English Speaking


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