The mission of THEATER ViSiONS – Sofia’s English Speaking Theater is to deliver high quality theatrical performances, language workshops, skill building classes, and educational opportunities in the English language for native and non-native speakers in Sofia and throughout Bulgaria.

Tales from Mama Goose 2019

Our ViSiON

To be the premier provider of English language theatrical entertainment, support workshops, educational tours and performances in Bulgaria and a hub for English language speakers in Sofia.

In Borisova Gradina 2019


In 2015 while living in London, Mark Modzelewski set up Torchlight Collective, a small independent theatre company dedicated to contemporary issues and international perspectives. It’s during this time that he met Gabriela Tsonkova and they first collaborated together on a production. Although the shows were well received, breaking into a saturated London theatre scene proved difficult. 

Fast forward to 2017 when Mark and family were considering moving to Bulgaria. He was looking for employment in English language theatres, but found none. this planted the seed. after moving here later that year he started the making plans and began the registration process. In August 2019 that dream became a reality as Theater Visions Foundation was registered as an NGO for public benefit.

Now THEATER ViSiONS is poised and ready to take a leading role in meeting the growing demand for English language cultural arts programming in Sofia and encouraging language learners and aspiring actors to become more confident in their skills!

Sowing Theatrical Seeds

You may not know this about me (Mark), but gardening is one of my go-to stress relievers. Lately I’ve been spending too much time writing grant applications, submitting proposals, updating the website… you get the idea. Too much time in front of the computer. I enjoy the peace of working with plants. Even on this…

Emerging from Hibernation

In Bulgaria soon we will come face to face with old Baba Marta. Childrens faces will light up when they receive their martenitsi and wishes for good health will be exchanged. People will be on the lookout for the first stork or first swallow returning or the first tree in bloom This is when the…

6 Month Milestones/ Thank You, All!

It has been six months since the launch of our THEATER ViSiONS website and we would like to take the time to say how grateful we are for your support. This goes for each and every one of you who have browsed our website or followed our periodic ViSiONS BLoG. Or followed us on social…

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